This is a blog for Women to give advice, ask questions, discuss topics and share ideas with one another. I invite all Wives, Mothers, Daughters and Friends to join in on the conversation and learn a thing or two in the meantime! Email if you would like me to post an article for discussion, a question you'd like advice on or share an idea for an entry! Lets Get Talking!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Academy Awards

Alright, I wasn't going to bore you all with fashion opinions of all the award shows this season, BUT I can't let the Oscars go by without seeing what everyone thought!

Today's Topic: The Academy Awards

If you didn't get to watch last night, you can see a gallary of red carpet arrivals HERE. There really wasn't a clear trend this year and to be honest, I didn't feel like anyone missed the mark completely with their fashion choice.  Boring? Not necessarily. I guess everyone just upped their game for the big night, as they should!

My Picks:

I did not have one favorite from last night, as I normally do. There were several that I liked and a few that I loved. The looks that made my "Love List" are as follows:

I guess I enjoyed the bright colors last night. I thought Emma Stone looked amazing, even though the dress is a look I feel like we have seen before. She also was the most entertaining of the night in my opinion as she presented an award with Ben Stiller and was hilarious. I, of course, also loved Michelle Williams, as I always do and I felt like Viola Davis looked stunning in green last night. I wish she would have won her nomination as well, but at least she looked good losing.

Now on to the simple looks that I felt might have been slightly understated for the Oscars, but I still loved:

For some reason I loved Shailene Woodley's long sleeved gown. It was simple, it was classic, and it covered everything up, but I really, really liked it. Kristen Wiig was already getting some critisism last night for being too casual, but I am sorry, I think she looks great! I agree the Oscars are all about glamour and jewelry and updo's, but I cant help but love the simple look she has going on here.

And for the looks I wasn't crazy about:

While Stacey Kiebler and Jennifer Lopez have about the nicest bodies in Hollywood, and no doubt look incredible here, I wasn't a fan of their dress choices. I hate the gold of Stacey's dress and I feel like Jennifer Lopez looks like she was trying too hard (not to mention I am pretty sure she had a wardrobe malfunction while presenting last night). Again, I am not saying they don't look amazing, they just weren't my favorite.

So what are your picks? Leave your comments here on the blog or on the Letters To Lindsey FB page!

Thanks For Reading,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Date Night

This article on caught my eye - "Not Your Average Date Ideas" And the article opener, "Are you tired of the same old dinner and a movie? Does every date seem like just another Saturday night? Maybe it's time to get creative..." had be laughing because I would LOVE just "an old dinner and movie" night!

Today's Topic: Date Night

The story features date ideas that are considered outside the box. You can read the article HERE, but below are the ideas in a nutshell.

1.) Hot Air Balloon Ride
2.) Skydiving or Bungee Jumping
3.) Join A Scavenger Hunt Or Organize One Of Your Own
4.) Take A Dance Class
5.) Swimming With Sharks
6.) Horseback Riding
7.) Skinny Dipping
8.) White Water Rafting
9.) VIP Passes To A Big Event
10.) Do Something Crazy
11.) Snorkeling
12.) Take A Road Trip
13.) Go Camping

Some of these seem slightly outrageous to me and more like something you would do on a vacation, not just on a regular ol' Saturday night. In fact, Skinny Dipping is more appealing to me than most of these, haha. But it is kind of nice to consider doing something you don't normally do to "spice things up." For my husband and I, it wouldn't take much considering our Saturday night are typically spent in the playroom.

So out of the suggestions above, what kind of a date would you like to go on? Is there something you'd like to do that is not on the list? Have you ever been on a date that has just blown you away?

Leave your comments here on the blog or on the Letters To Lindsey FB page.

Thanks For Reading,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life or Death?

I saw an article this morning that grabbed my attention.

Today's Topic: Life or Death?

Christina Symanski was left paralyzed after diving into shallow water in 2005. She had lived as a quadriplegic for years, always questioning whether life was worth living. She took to her blog and wrote, ""I have come to a point in my own life where I’m struggling with the question, ‘Is this life worth living for ME, or am I just prolonging my own suffering?’"

After weighing her options and talking to friends, family and several professionals, Symanski ended her life by starving herself. You can read the full article HERE.

It's hard to have an opinion on this. My first reaction was shock at how casual the talk of death had become for Christina. It is easy for me to sit here in my healthy body and say that living with any disability is better than not living at all, but who am I kidding? We often say, "Well if it were me, I'd..." but that's just it, it isn't me. It's not my life, or anything close to it, so how can I judge?

Do I think she made the right choice? No, of course I don't. But are we in any position to answer that question for her?

Leave your comments here on the blog or the Letters To Lindsey FB page.

Thanks For Reading,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Public Display of Affection

Well it's Valentine's Day so I suppose I should write a post about love. Or how about public displays of it?

Today's Topic: PDA

Who doesn't like being in love? Whether you are now, have been in the past, or wish to be in the future, a relationship of love has surely affected you somehow. What I want to talk about today is PDA, aka Public Display of Affection. We have all seen it as we are out to the mall, the movies, or even sitting in the pew at church. Some couples are comfortable to just be in love while others prefer to show you they are in love.

So how much PDA is too much? From hand holding to groping to full on making out - what do you feel is crossing the line? Are there times and places where it is okay vs. not okay? Or do you feel it is never appropriate? Have you ever been accused of showing too much PDA yourself or have you been so uncomfortable that you have put a stop to someone else's PDA?

Lindsey's Response:

It is likely that most of are going to say we don't approve of PDA, and I am on that list. I don't care how good looking you are, I don't want to see you fondling each other. Not only do I feel uncomfortable for the people putting on the show, but I am uncomfortable myself.

Of course there are exceptions and standards to what I feel is okay and not okay. Hand holding, my husband's favorite past time (never in a million years, he hates it) is fine and I don't mind a small peck on the lips or a quick embrace, especially when saying hello or goodbye. But really anything that doesn't fall into those guidelines is a little too much for me.

Prude? Maybe I am, but I feel like the people who need to grope each other all over the mall or make out in front of the grocery store aren't really doing it because they are "so in love," but because they just want to prove to everyone else that they are. And I have a feeling that those who can't seem to wait until they get home will likely be broken up in a week. I guess, to me, it's just about being appropriate, especially in places where families are present.

Now, I will say you won't find me complaining when a soldier gets off a plane from being away from his wife for months at a time and the couple all but strips their clothes off right there in the terminal when they see each other. I have no doubt I'd be doing the same thing and rightfully so. So if you're an army wife, you have my permission to PDA all you want! =)

So how do you feel? Leave your comments here on the blog or the Letters To Lindsey FB page.

Thanks For Reading,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Broken Heart

Okay, I realize I already posted a topic for the day, but who says there can't be 2 topics? This was too cute of a story to pass up!

Today's 2nd Topic: Broken Heart

I read this story this morning (you can read by clicking HERE) and it just made my heart happy. Not because an older couple passed away of course, but because of how they passed away.

Marjorie Landis, age 87, died after suffering a long illness. Just 88 minutes later her 89 year old husband, James Landis, suffered a heart attack and died. The couple had been together for 65 years.

The couple's granddaugther, Erin Miller, said that her grandfather's last words to his wife were, "It's OK. I Love you. We had many good years together. I will see you real soon." And she believes he soon died of a "broken heart."

While it is incredibly sad that these two people passed away, I just think their story is about the cutest thing I have ever heard. It reminds me of the movie Titanic, when the older couple curled up on their bed, hand in hand, waiting to die together. True love is amazing and I just can't get enough of these heartfelt stories.

So what do you think? Could someone die of a broken heart?

Thanks For Reading,


I started this blog 1 month ago today. I have enjoyed having another reason to write, but even more so I enjoy all of you reading and commenting on a regular basis.

Today's Topic: Feedback

Your response is the only way I know if this blog is even getting read. I do enjoy writing but I certainly don't want to write for no reason. I would love your feedback! Anyone who has read today's post, please leave a comment on the blog or on the Letters to Lindsey FB page. I would love if you could respond by giving me an idea for a future topic (sometimes it's a challenge to come up with an idea daily). If you don't have an idea, at least let me know you are reading by hitting "Like" on the FB post!

Thanks For Reading and Please Continue Reading,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Sorry for the late post this morning but it's been a little crazy around here. Trying to make everyone happy while also preparing dinner for the crock pot is a tough task, but Supermom got it done! Which brings me to the topic of the day...

Today's Topic: Dinner

Every one's dinner situation is a little different. I am going to assume that in most households, the female does the cooking, but I will say I come across a lot more men taking over dinner duty, which I think is fantastic! Especially for those working women. How nice to have a partner in the kitchen so you don't have to come home and cook every single night. And of course there are some households that don't do any cooking at all. To be honest, with the price of groceries these days, it may be cheaper to eat out most nights rather than prepare a meal every day.

So what is everyone cooking tonight? Or what are your husbands/boyfriends making you? ORRRR what is your local pizza shop going to whip up for you to pick up on your way home? Everyone loves a good meal idea!

Lindsey's Response:

I am Queen of the Crock pot. I got a big one for my wedding and I didn't even take the thing out of the box until a couple years ago and now I couldn't live without it. I make at least 1 crock pot meal a week, and sometimes more. In fact, tonight's dinner is cooking in the crock pot as we speak!

I am also a big fan of casseroles and meals with few ingredients that take a short amount of time to prepare. With two little kids who don't always love for me to be out of the room for too long, it has to go quick or I will have crying as my background music the entire time.

Tonight we are having Slow Cooker Creamy Potato Soup. We are supposed to have rain and snow showers and the high is only in the low 40's so soup sounded good. It definitely isn't a quick meal to prepare since you have to saute your onions and bacon first and peel and cut potatoes, BUT the good news is that it's done and cooking itself for the rest of the day!

So what will be on your plate tonight? Leave your comments here on the blog or on the Letters To Lindsey FB page!

Thanks For Reading,